How to Move a Business without Losing Productivity

Even if you have a small business, moving it without losing productivity can be very challenging. Some of the things you’ll experience in this situation include misplaced mail, distracted employees, and interrupted services. Nevertheless, relocating your business is sometimes necessary in case you want to be able to reach a new market or upgrade your facility and equipment. Nevertheless, you won’t have to lose productivity during your move if you follow these tips.

Plan Ahead

You shouldn’t start moving unless you have come up with a solid plan. It’s worth noting that small business should start planning their move at least a few months ahead, while bigger companies should take eight months or more to prepare. In case you don’t know where to start, consider making a list of every single thing that needs to be relocated. This can include anything from office equipment and furniture to inventory and the contents of each workstation.

Just like it’s crucial to create a list of things that need to be moved, it’s equally important to determine what you’re not going to relocate. In other words, you should decide what you’re going to replace. Keep in mind that moving is an excellent opportunity to upgrade your equipment. Doing this is an excellent way to help your employees view the relocation as a good thing and keep them motivated to work hard. Buying new equipment will make it easier for you to coordinate your move, since you can just have it shipped to your new address.

Involve Your Employees in the Moving Process

If you don’t communicate with your staff regarding the move properly, it will have a negative impact on your productivity. Note that your employees should know all of the important details about the relocation, including how the office space will look like, how their morning commute will change, as well as whether they’ll keep their same responsibilities and roles. It’s also a good idea to involve staff in the decision making process.

Aside from informing them about the details of the relocation and encouraging them to have a say in certain decisions, you should also consider enlisting the help of your employees for the move. As long as everyone is involved, you’ll be able to relocate efficiently and get back to work in no time. All you need is to pack your inventory and equipment, buy and register a truck, assign specific tasks to each employee, and you can start right away. Make sure you give bonuses to everyone in your workforce in case they decided to help with the move.

In order to ensure the move doesn’t negatively impact your company’s productivity, you can do it on a weekend. If you have a retail store that is open every day, consider relocating your business after work hours.

Inform Everyone You’re Moving

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when relocating your business is not informing everyone about it. Imagine the problems you would face if suppliers continued sending items to your old address because they were unaware of your move. Similarly, customers won’t be able to find you when they need you in case they’re unaware of your new address. On top of that, you won’t have essential services like power and internet in your building if you don’t inform the utility companies.

This is why it’s important to tell everyone you’re moving. When it comes to suppliers and utility companies, make sure you give them a call and tell them about your new address. Meanwhile, you can send newsletters to your customers and post updates on your social media profiles about your relocation. It’s also essential you update the address displayed on your website, as well as in all online directories.

Adam Richards

About Adam Richards

Adam Richards is a semi-retired business professional originally from Bangor, Maine. He spent the majority of his career in sales and marketing where he rose to the marketing lead of a Fortune 1000 company. He then moved on to helping people as a career counselor that specifically helped bring families to self-sufficiency through finding them rewarding careers. He has now returned to Bangor for his retirement and spends his free time writing. This blog will be about everything he learned throughout his career. He'll write on career, workplace, education and technology issues as well as on trends, changes, and advice for the Maine job market and its employers.